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mypet的英语作文_mypet 4篇

作者: xiaobai 来源: 时间: 2023-08-10 16:19:37 阅读: 次

mypet的英语作文_mypet 4篇

前言: 关于”mypet“的英语作文模板4篇,作文题目:mypet。以下是关于mypet的初一英语模板,每篇作文均为满分模板带翻译。



My pet is a lovely little dog. Its name is Dian Dian, because it has many black circles on its skin. Dian Dian is very friendly.

Many children like to play with him. His favorite food is meat bone. H is his favorite toy.

He is a doll. Diandian likes to run very fast. He has a girl friend.

His name is nanana. There is a lot of black on it The circle of its skin, like my pet very much, is a good pet.




(my pet) I like my pet very much. You know why, because it doesn't have any trouble, it's an important reason I call it lulu. I think Lulu is a good name.

It's always quiet. In fact, it's a goldfish. My pet looks like an egg.

It's interesting. It doesn't need a bed or a basket. It just needs some water.

It never barks or meows. It just bubbles, bubbles, when it is When hungry, it swims fast. Do you want it? I never put my goldfish in the sun.

It doesn't like swimming in the sun. It eats very little food, so I don't need to feed it too much. It likes to eat peas.

I think when I put some peas into the water, it is always happier than usual swimming. When I am not happy or angry, when the goldfish is my best friend, it looks at me with wide eyes, and then I feel very happy that I will take it Take care of him till the end. Oh, I'm going to feed him now.




本文标题:mypet的英语作文_mypet 4篇





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