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关于职场的英语作文_Workplace 4篇

作者: xiaobai 来源: 时间: 2023-08-09 07:18:30 阅读: 次

关于职场的英语作文_Workplace 4篇

前言: 关于”职场“的英语作文模板4篇,作文题目:Workplace。以下是关于职场的专业英语模板,每篇作文均为高分模板带翻译。



I decided to be a lawyer. I chose this position for two main reasons: first, I want to help innocent people get rid of their guilt. Because I saw many innocent people become scapegoats of real criminals in the movies, I decided to avoid such cases in real life.

It was a well paid and bright future job. Although I have to admit that it may be much more difficult to do this job well, I must make full use of it Leisure time to acquire the necessary knowledge, become one of the best in this field.




There is no real sense of solidarity in your work group. By practicing some team building, you can help foster a sense of interconnectedness. Build your team.

Be aware that as a group, write down their positive and negative thoughts about teamwork to address negative concerns or attitudes. Individuals create a balanced team, contributors, collaborators, communicators strive to create openness Active, constructive communication between team challengers practice effective leader management transformational leadership creates and shares visions for the team mission challenges standards thinking outside the box leadership builds self leadership structure is divided into smaller sub teams set specific deadlines final deadline planning stage a continuous deadline decomposition can help the team Teams track their progress establish an agreement for team interaction responsibilities between teams attend meetings enforce adherence to team policy clear task delegation team members without clear goals can overlap and execute redundant tasks goals goals foster the best relationship wise choose to share the strengths of team members conflict leads to conflict conflict conflict can lead to team inefficiency Trying to resolve conflicts before suddenly developing into more serious problems, cultivating emotional awareness is a threat to team cohesion. Influencing team effort motivation on emotional intelligence is crucial for the overall effort to be aware of the emotional state of others.




A: Hello, Mr. Roseman. This is Michael from Mr.

Emory's office. He'd like to make an appointment with you about buying a new copier. B: of course, I'm glad he has a schedule.

A: he wants to do it as soon as possible, sir. How about B o'clock tomorrow. That's great.

Tell him I'll see him and Becker.



本文标题:关于职场的英语作文_Workplace 4篇





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