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积极向上的英语演讲稿_A positive speech 3篇

作者: xiaobai 来源: 时间: 2023-08-10 08:23:48 阅读: 次

积极向上的英语演讲稿_A positive speech 3篇

前言: 关于”积极向上的演讲稿“的英语作文模板3篇,作文题目:A positive speech。以下是关于积极向上的演讲稿的高二英语模板,每篇作文均为真题模板带翻译。

关于”积极向上的演讲稿“的英语作文模板3篇,作文题目:A positive speech。以下是关于积极向上的演讲稿的高二英语模板,每篇作文均为真题模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:A positive speech

Youth Samuel Ullman Youth is not a period of life, it is not a mental state, not a ruddy cheek, red lips and soft knees, but a will, imagination, emotional vitality, it is the source of life, youth means courage over timidity, appetite exuberant temperament, because adventure is better than ease, which often exists in a man As time goes by, we will grow old by giving up our ideals. When you give up the radio, your heart may wrinkle, your heart may wrinkle with your heart, your heart, your heart, and your heart may wrinkle when you give up your radio, your heart, your heart, your heart, your heart, your heart, your heart, your heart, your heart, your heart, your heart, your heart, your heart, your heart, may wrinkle, wrinkle, wrinkle, wrinkle, wrinkle, wrinkle, wrinkle, wrinkle, wrinkle, wrinkle, wrinkle, wrinkle, wrinkle, wrinkle, wrinkle, wrinkle, wrinkle, wrinkle, wrinkle Children's never-ending spirit is covered with cynical snow and pessimistic ice, and then you get old. Even if you set up an antenna to catch the waves of optimism, you may die early in ebe5baa6efa5e.



本文标题:积极向上的英语演讲稿_A positive speech 3篇





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