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作者: xiaobai 来源: 时间: 2023-07-08 10:12:15 阅读: 次



The Daffodils 咏水仙---Wordsworth英国浪漫主义诗人华兹华斯(1770-1850)的代表作《咏水仙》.华兹华斯是湖畔派诗人的领袖,所谓湖畔派简单的说就是他们的诗热衷于描写自然风光,农村生活,而厌恶资本主义社会的城市文明和金钱关系.华兹华斯的和柯尔律治共同发表的《抒情歌谣集》宣告了浪漫主义新诗的诞生.I wander'd lonely as a cloudThat floats on high o'er vales and hills,When all at once I saw a crowd,A host ,of golden daffodils;Beside the lake,beneath the trees,Fluttering and dancing in the breeze.Continuous as the stars that shineAnd twinkle on the Milky way,They stretch'd in never-ending lineAlong the margin of a bay:Ten thousand saw I at a glance,Tossing their heads in sprightly dance.The waves beside them danced,but theyOut-did the sparkling waves in glee:A poet could not but be gayIn such a jocund company!E gaze –and gazed –but little thoughtWhat wealth the show to me had brought:For oft,when on my couch I lieIn vacant or in pensive mood,They flash upon that inward eyeWhich is the bliss of solitude;And then my heart with pleasure fills,And dances with the daffodils.独自漫游似浮云,青山翠谷上飘荡;一刹那瞥见一丛丛、一簇簇水仙金黄;树荫下,明湖边,和风吹拂舞翩跹.仿佛群星璀璨,沿银河闪霎晶莹;一湾碧波边缘,绵延,望不尽;只见万千无穷,随风偃仰舞兴浓.花边波光潋滟,怎比得繁花似锦;面对如此良伴,诗人怎不欢欣!凝视,凝视,流连不止;殊不知引起悠悠情思;兀自倚憩息,岑寂,幽然冥想;蓦地花影闪心扉,独处方能神往;衷心喜悦洋溢,伴水仙、舞不息.这是该诗歌的音频链接:。


The Daffodils 咏水仙---Wordsworth英国浪漫主义诗人华兹华斯(1770-1850)的代表作《咏水仙》。


I wander'd lonely as a cloudThat floats on high o'er vales and hills,When all at once I saw a crowd,A host , of golden daffodils;Beside the lake, beneath the trees,Fluttering and dancing in the breeze.Continuous as the stars that shineAnd twinkle on the Milky way,They stretch'd in never-ending lineAlong the margin of a bay:Ten thousand saw I at a glance,Tossing their heads in sprightly dance.The waves beside them danced, but theyOut-did the sparkling waves in glee:A poet could not but be gayIn such a jocund company!E gaze –and gazed –but little thoughtWhat wealth the show to me had brought:For oft, when on my couch I lieIn vacant or in pensive mood,They flash upon that inward eyeWhich is the bliss of solitude;And then my heart with pleasure fills,And dances with the daffodils.独自漫游似浮云,青山翠谷上飘荡;一刹那瞥见一丛丛、一簇簇水仙金黄;树荫下,明湖边,和风吹拂舞翩跹。仿佛群星璀璨,沿银河闪霎晶莹;一湾碧波边缘,绵延,望不尽;只见万千无穷,随风偃仰舞兴浓。


3.花的英语短诗 花的英语短诗

英语诗歌:Honeysuckle(忍冬) I plucked a honeysuckle where The hedge on high is quick with thorn, And climbing for the prize, was torn, And fouled my feet in quag-water; And by the thorns and by the wind The blossom that I took was thinn'd, And yet I found it sweet and fair. Thence to a richer growth I came, Where, nursed in mellow intercourse, The honey suckles sprang by scores, Not harried like my single stem, All virgin lamps of scent and dew, So from my hand that first I threw, Yet plucked not any more of them. Note: The name honeysuckle comes from the sweet nectar that the flower produces to intoxicate the greedy bee. Its powerful fragrance seduces the human senses as it pervades the air. The perfume of this passionate plant may turn a maiden's head, hence wild honeysuckle is a symbol of inconstancy in love. 忍冬 在长满棘刺的高篱上, 我采摘到一支忍冬花, 为了这个奖赏, 我努力攀爬, 划破了我的衣衫, 在泥泞的水中弄脏了 我的双脚, 花朵在荆棘和风中飞落, 我采的花变得稀疏, 然而 花朵如此芬芳美丽, 在甘美气息的滋养中 我也变得更加娇艳, 忍冬一簇簇地盛开, 没有象我手中的那束 被摧残而凋零, 从我的手中, 所有无暇芬芳的光芒, 渐渐消逝, 从此我再不采撷忍冬花。


充满激情的忍冬所散发的香气令少女却步回首,因此野生忍冬象征着爱情的反复无常。 The Last Rose of Summer (1) 'Tis the last rose of summer这是夏日最后的玫瑰 Left blooming alone;独自绽放着; All her lovely companions所有昔日动人的同伴 Are faded and gone;都已凋落残逝; No flower of her kindred,身旁没有同类的花朵, No rose-bud is nigh,没有半个玫瑰苞, to reflect back her blushes,映衬她的红润, Or give sigh for sigh.分担她的忧愁。

(2) I'll not leave thee, thou lone one!我不会离开弧零零的你! To pine on the stem;让你单独地憔悴; Since the lovely are sleeping,既然美丽的同伴都已入眠, Go, sleep thou with them.去吧!你也和她们一起躺着。 thus kindly I scatter为此,我好心在散放 Thy leaves o'er the bed你的丽叶在花床上 Where thy mates of the garden那儿,也是你花园的同伴 Lie scentless and dead.无声无息躺着的地方。

(3) Soon may I follow,不久我也可能追随我朋友而去, When friendships decay,当友谊渐逝, And from Love's shining circle像从灿烂之爱情圈中 The gems drop away.掉落的宝石。 When true hearts lie withered,当忠诚的友人远去, And fond ones are flown,所爱的人飞走, O! who would inhabit啊!谁还愿留在 This bleak world alone?这荒冷的世上独自凄凉?。


Flowers on the slope look like a group of yellow butterflies.(斜坡上的花朵看上去象一群黄蝴蝶)

Those red roses lying on you writing-desk quietly, are picked from the Garden of my mind.(躺在你写字台上的那些红玫瑰采之我心的花园。)

Undefiled orange flowers are blossoming in the forest.


The flower looks like an angel, unfolded in the wind, under the sun.



Most fruit trees flower in the spring.大多数果树在春天开花。

His genius flowered early.他的天资很早就表现出来。The Love of man? Exotic flower.男人的爱情?奇异的花朵。

I plucked your flower, world!我采了你的花,呵,世界!One flower makes no garland .一朵鲜花做不成花环。What a beautiful gem flower!好一朵美丽的宝石花!That is a beautiful flower.那是一朵美丽的花。

Fear of a beautiful flower.畏惧一朵美丽的花。Could you rake out the flower bed?你可不可以把花床耙一耙?One , bend down and smell a flower.第一,俯下身去,闻一闻花的芬芳。

May Flower Company, may I help you?五月花公司,我能为你服务吗?Bees help the flower make new seeds.蜜蜂帮助花儿制造新的种子。The hat is woven with flower stalks.那顶帽子是由花茎编织的。

Flower fade and fruit of summer fade.花会凋谢,盛夏的果实会枯萎。The leaf becomes flower when it loves.当爱情来临时,树叶变成花朵。

This flower is white.这朵花是白色的。Love is flower , understanding is soil.爱情是鲜花,理解是土壤。

He suffered nobody to touch his flower.他不允许任何人碰他的花。We love a flower.我们爱一朵鲜花。

A flower mantis.一只花螳螂。Next business day flower delivery across the Republic of Ireland .下一个营业日鲜花递送全国爱尔兰共和国。

The white lily, the symbol of the resurrection, is the typical Easter flower.而象征着复活的白色百合花是典型的复活节花卉。I have my blessings on the 365 flower buds, they open one day, a beautiful day to bless you.我已经把我的祝福放在365朵花苞中,它们每天开放一朵,每天给你美好的祝福。

The Sydney Garden &Flower Show - This annual horticultural show will educate, impress and amaze.悉尼花园与花表演-这年度园艺的表演将教育,打动并且惊奇。Flower and girl in together tear and the sky in together it rains should we still be together?花与女孩在一起 眼泪与天空在一起 在一起就下雨 我们还要不要在一起?However, the blue roses displayed at the flower expo in Tokyo are the real thing, genuine blue roses.然而,此次在东京花卉博览会上展示的蓝玫瑰是真正的,名副其实的蓝玫瑰。

As the flower of life dreams take off as the dominant human dream, everything will restructure itself ahead.当生活之花的梦想成为人类的主导梦想而启动时,一切都将在前方自我重建。If you love flowers and recognize its role in human relationships , you might want to start your own flower shop .如果您爱花,并承认它的作用在人与人之间的关系,您可能想要开始自己的花店。

Flowers, is the nature of the wizard, they have their own language, this is the Flower, and read their language, it is a happy thing.花,是大自然的精灵,它们都有自己的语言,这就是花语,而去读出它们的语言,实在是一件快乐的事。Do you feel a lack of something, a flower painting, painting a tree, or painting a blue sky, and then draw some cartoon characters or so.你是否感觉到缺少了什么,画上一朵花、画上一棵树、或者画上一片蔚蓝的天空、再或者画上一些卡通人物等等。


Flowers on the slope look like a group of yellow butterflies.(斜坡上的花朵看上去象一群黄蝴蝶)

Those red roses lying on you writing-desk quietly, are picked from the Garden of my mind.(躺在你写字台上的那些红玫瑰采之我心的花园。)

Undefiled orange flowers are blossoming in the forest.


The flower looks like an angel, unfolded in the wind, under the sun.


7.急求普希金十首关于玫瑰的诗 要两篇英文的

玫 瑰?我们的玫瑰在哪儿,?我的朋友们??这朝霞的孩子,?这玫瑰已经凋零。

不要说:?青春如此蹉跎!?不要说:?人生如此欢乐!?快告诉我的玫瑰,?我为她多么惋惜,?也请顺便告诉我,?哪儿盛开着百合。Our roses flowersWhere are my friends?The glory of the children,Roses — it faded.Do not say:Youth and so the wilting process!Do not say:This is the joy of life!Go on a flower talk:Farewell, I pity you!Then means to us:Lilies are in full bloom. 普希金的这首诗是以玫瑰和百合花为意象来表现人生。


所以,在不幸和痛苦到来时,没必要强颜欢笑,也不必因此悲观绝望,而要坦然去面对,并看到同时存在的生活中的幸福和欢乐。 瑰象征着爱情——热烈,专一,也象征着青春——张扬,奔放。




普希金《夜莺和玫瑰》2009年02月14日 星期六 09:40在幽静的花园里, 在春夜的昏暗中 夜莺在芳香的玫瑰枝头上歌唱 但可爱的玫瑰却无动于衷, 也不倾听,只是在那倾慕的颂歌中 打盹和摇晃 玫瑰啊,她不需要诗人的颂歌 她只需要,现实的富足与虚荣享乐 清醒些吧,诗人, 你追求的是什么 你除了让诗人和他的诗歌, 以及关心热爱他们的朋友 一起带来永恒 你还能给自己带来什么? 难道只是让那 长久对爱情渴慕的心 持续遭受失落的折磨? 你不也是和玫瑰一样 是个冷美人 她不听也不理会诗人的歌声 她那么娇艳, 对你的呼求却报以沉默。In the quiet garden, In the spring night of obscuration The Nightingale in Roses wee sing on But lovely rose trembles Do not listen, just that adore mantra in NAP and shaking Rose, she doesn't need the poet's Carol She only needs, the reality of the rich and vain pleasures Wake up, poet What is your quest? Do you let the poet and his poetry, As well as concerned about friends who love them Bring together forever You can give yourself? Don't just let the Long love longing hearts Sustained loss of torture? You don't like it is and roses Is a cold beauty She wouldn't listen also to ignore the poet's voice She is so beautiful, You cry was reported with silence. The Nightingale and the rose Garden Silent Spring, in the face of the night of drapes, An Oriental Nightingale at Rose's singing above. But lovely rose has feel ignored, Listen to see love hymn was put to fro, tireless State. Can't you just sing the beauty of the cold? Sober, poet, Ah, you make something look for? People do not listen to you a poet, she is indifferent: You see — she in the open; you call — but no response. 夜莺和玫瑰花园默默无言,春天了,面对夜的幔帐, 一只东方的夜莺站在玫瑰的上面歌唱。

但是可爱的玫瑰却没有感觉,不予理睬, 听看爱的颂歌却摆来摆去,一副倦态。 难道你就是这样歌唱那冰凉的美? 清醒吧,诗人啊,你在把什么东西寻觅? 人家并不听你诗人的,她无动于衷: 你看——她在开放;你呼唤——却没有回应。

啊,玫瑰姑娘普希金啊,玫瑰姑娘,我受到了囚禁;但我并不以你的桎梏而羞愧:如同在月桂从中的夜莺,这森林歌手中有羽的王者,生活在甜蜜的囚禁中,靠近美丽而骄傲的玫瑰,在情欲之夜的幽暗中,为她柔情绵绵地歌唱 Ah, rose girl, I was imprisoned; But I do not take your shackles and shame: As in the Nightingale in Lauryl witches, This forest has a feather of singers, King Live in the sweet captivity, Close to the beautiful and proud of roses, In the dark night of passion, As she sang with gentleness. There is a lovely rose There is a lovely rose: itIn the West salad surprised, beforeOpen, Carmine, gorgeous handsome,Venus kind praise it.Frost breath but in vain,It does not enable the。






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