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报道的英语_report 3篇

作者: xiaobai 来源: 时间: 2023-08-11 16:52:18 阅读: 次

报道的英语_report 3篇

前言: 关于”报道“的英语作文范文3篇,作文题目:report。以下是关于报道的高一英语范文,每篇作文均为高分范文带翻译。



Dear father and mother, two months have ped since I returned to school. I miss you very much. Hope this letter can bring you a little happiness? You still remember that I was very r in Mathematics in grade one.

You are very disappointed. Now I always blame me with the help of my teachers and clmates. Because of my hard work in the summer vacation, I have made great progress.

I was very happy to do well in the math exam a few days ago. I will not be proud of it and even study hard. Don't worry about me.

I'm fine. You see, I've grown up. I'm 16 years old now.

I'm no longer a freshman. After a year's study, I've got used to the school life. I get along well with all my clmates.

I'm sure you'll see a new semester. I hope you'll both be healthy. Your daughter Jinghua.




With the development of m media, we can get instant news immediately. We can read news through the Internet. This is the fastest way to get first-hand information to attract people's attention.

Some media will exaggerate the facts. They always bring false reports a few days ago. They should be punished.

It is reported that a Chinese woman dragged a foreigner's clothes to ask him for help To compensate for the cost of the bicycle, a photo was posted on the news. People criticized the woman for behaving so rudely in front of a foreigner. The woman could not bear the pressure.

She stood up and told the truth. What she said was that the foreigner beat her, and the news that she was the first one to slander was reported without further study, which caused great trouble to women Celebrities are faced with the same situation. In order to attract the attention of the audience, the media should control this behavior and correct the attitude of journalists to news reports by exaggerating the facts,.




Dear father and mother, two months have ped since I returned to school. I miss you very much. I hope this letter can bring you some happiness.

You still remember that I was r in math in grade one. You are so disappointed that now you always blame me with the help of teachers and clmates. Besides, because of my hard work in summer vacation, I got a score in a math exam a few days ago I'm very happy with my good grades.

I won't be proud of it. I'll study harder. Don't worry about me.

I'm fine. You see, I'm 16 years old. I'm no longer a new student.

I can do anything. After a year's study, I'm used to school life. I get along well with my clmates.

I believe you will see a new semester. I hope you are both healthy. Your daughter, Jinghua Jiaxin, master of mathematics and mothers, please don't worry about me.

Please don't worry about me.



本文标题:报道的英语_report 3篇





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