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英语信的格式_letter 4篇

作者: xiaobai 来源: 时间: 2023-08-11 08:32:48 阅读: 次

英语信的格式_letter 4篇

前言: 关于”信“的英语作文模板4篇,作文题目:letter。以下是关于信的九年级英语模板,每篇作文均为高分模板带翻译。



Dear pat, my name is Huang Yuanjun. I am a year old. I have a fish.

She is very beautiful. She can swim very fast. I really love her.

I have many hobbies. I like playing chess. I like fishing and shopping.

I like listening to music. I think they are very interesting. I don't like drawing.

They are boring. I think my sister likes painting very much. She is very smart.

what about you? what's your hobby? What do you do in your spare time? Please write to me Huang Yuanjun's love.




A letter of recommendation. You have seen the Athens Olympic Games and are interested in becoming a volunteer for the Beijing Olympic Games. Please write to the mayor of the capital, Wang Qishan, to give advice for the preparatory work and express your wish to be a volunteer.

Dear Wang Qishan, I am a senior student of Peking University. After watching the Athens Olympic Games for two years, the Beijing Olympic Games will come. I will write to you first.

This is my plan for the Beijing Olympic Games In a word, in order to maintain China's international image and ensure the Olympic Games, we must make preparations in time. First of all, I want to express myself My foreign language is very good. I can speak English, Russian and Japanese.

Therefore, I can become a qualified volunteer. I sincerely look forward to your reply, Li Ming.




We climbed the mountain yesterday. The mountain is beautiful. We stayed there all day.

Trees and flowers are good. We had a good time and had a picnic. Today is really an unforgettable and unpleasant day.

I do housework for my grandmother. She is not very well. I decided to do more housework for her.

She will feel happy and happy. Suddenly, I suddenly thought of an idea: getting old is terrible, because you have to worry about your health and other people's opinions again. I am determined to be a good girl.

It's sunny today, It's hot. I get up early at 6:30. I read English and have breakfast.

I help my mother wash dishes, do homework and clean the room. I go shopping with my mother in the afternoon. I play table tennis with my friends in the evening.

I watch TV and read books. I really have a busy and interesting day. 4.

I had a meaningful and colorful day. In the afternoon, I did some homework Last week, I went shopping with my mother. I watched a very interesting movie.

5. I had a good time on Sunday morning last weekend. I stayed at home and did my homework.

Homework was not difficult. I was tired playing volleyball with my friends, but I was very excited in the afternoon. It was a little difficult for me to cook dinner for my parents.

I thought after dinner, I went swimming in the river. I could swim well. I had a relaxed week end.




本文标题:英语信的格式_letter 4篇





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