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给教授写信的英文格式_Write to the professor 5篇

作者: xiaobai 来源: 时间: 2023-08-09 07:07:44 阅读: 次

给教授写信的英文格式_Write to the professor 5篇

前言: 关于”给教授写信“的英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:Write to the professor。以下是关于给教授写信的小升初英语范文,每篇作文均为满分范文带翻译。

关于”给教授写信“的英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:Write to the professor。以下是关于给教授写信的小升初英语范文,每篇作文均为满分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Write to the professor

Dear Lihua: I'm very glad to meet you on the Internet and become your pen pal. from the letters and photos we exchanged a few days ago, I can see that you are a very smart and charming American girl. I'm glad to have such a good pen pal.

through the pionate chatting on the Internet, you have kindly outlined the culture and history of your country. For me, it really broadens my vision Yes, it is such a hurtful country. From now on, my heart yearns to fly there immediately.

My motherland, the land opposite your country, is still a developing country recently. With the acceleration of industrial development, this city has shown a prosperous scene. Take my city as an example, hundreds of tall towers stand on the flat land, which has changed greatly If you go to the center of the city, your eyes will be as dazzled as if you are submerged in the forest of buildings.

Our city is also a very clean city, surrounded by mountains and fresh air, which provides a good environment for those who are used to engaging in sports activities in their spare time or after work. Because my school is located in the -rural fringe, I can enjoy it To such a pleasant learning atmosphere, if you visit my school, you will find that it is a very good school and peaceful environment to provide a good learning environment for students. In addition, our school has built a large library for students to absorb the knowledge that can not be taught in the clroom, and build an interesting clroom on the opposite side of the teaching building to create students' creativity in the center of the school.

This is a large playground with various sports equipment on each side, which provides good conditions for students to relax after cl What's more, our country is different from culture, history and so on. If possible, I hope you can come here. I really welcome you to my city and my school.

I want to be your guide to show how it looks.




Dear mother, this is the first time I write to you in English, so I think I should thank you first, you gave me life, you brought me into this world, sometimes I may make you angry, because I did not adjust my mistakes, but I believe I will not do this again, I think I have grown up, I must be able to tell the truth of things, my dear mother, you are the world The greatest person in the world, you are the most important person in my life. The love you give me is the greatest love in the world. My dear mother, I have to stop because my vocabulary is limited.

I will write more letters in the future. Then I can write you a longer letter. Thank you again, my dear mother, your son,.




Dear mom and Dad: how are you? I'm going to take the final exam of this semester recently. I'm busy reviewing now. I hope I can p the exam smoothly.

After the examination, we will spend the winter vacation this year. I have planned a trip to my clmate's hometown. We will be together, go to different places, visit different landscapes.

I think we had a wonderful holiday together. Therefore, I am not going to be with you during the Spring Festival. I hope you two take good care of yourself, enjoy your Spring Festival, wish your daughter, XXX.





本文标题:给教授写信的英文格式_Write to the professor 5篇





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