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作者: xiaobai 来源: 时间: 2023-07-24 22:09:31 阅读: 次


前言: 关于”看比赛“的英语作文模板4篇,作文题目:Watch the game。以下是关于看比赛的高一英语模板,每篇作文均为高分模板带翻译。

关于”看比赛“的英语作文模板4篇,作文题目:Watch the game。以下是关于看比赛的高一英语模板,每篇作文均为高分模板带翻译。

关于”看比赛“的英语作文模板4篇,作文题目:Watch the game。以下是关于看比赛的高一英语模板,每篇作文均为高分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Watch the game

Helen: Henry, why don't we go out for lunch and visit some friends today? Henry: Miss, today's football match. Washington is in New York today. I can't miss helen: to be honest, Henry, you've never been tired of football matches.

Henry: it's going to be one of the best games of the year. I haven't seen a game in Washington for years. Helen: Oh, come on, Henry Henry: No, not at all.

Why don't you watch football with me? Helen: No, thank you. I have something better to do on Sunday afternoon. Besides, it's too hard for me.




As we all know, happy and healthy growth is very important for children. In order to achieve this goal, we should learn something first. We should develop a good attitude towards life.

This usually means that when we get high marks in the exam, we will realize that it is not always easy for everyone to strive to be modest, when we encounter difficulties Wait, we should face it bravely and smile. Second, we are students, and it is our responsibility to study hard, because knowledge is the key to success. If we accept this, we will live in a better environment in the near future.

Third, in my opinion, the most important thing is to do some exercise. It can help us relax after a day's hard work if I Besides helping to keep healthy, I believe we can grow up happily and healthily.




In recent days, I have been paying attention to the Olympic Games. The Chinese Legion has brought us a gold medal and another gold medal. From the competition to now, I am most moved by the men's gymnastics team.

For the first time in eight years, I returned to the peak, practiced hard and paid hard. At last, yesterday, I finally saw the end of the reward from the beginning. When I saw that they were more than the end of the six events, one mouthful When they were angry, they were moved to tears.

The boredom of the whole day and night was finally released from the coach to the athletes. They were excited. At this moment, the honor belongs to you, China.

Come on.








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